See these

Tuesday, 29 December 2009

Financial Planning !!!!!!!

Dan was a single man living at home with his widowed father 
and working in the family business.

When he found out he was going to inherit a fortune
when his sickly father died, he decided he needed to find a wife
with whom to share his fortune.

One evening, at an investment meeting, he spotted the
most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her natural beauty
took his breath away.

"I may look like just an ordinary man," he said to her, "but soon,
my father will die and I will inherit $200 million."

Impressed, the woman asked for his business card and
three days later, she became his stepmother.

Women are so much better at financial planning than men.

 Note: This has been taken from an email.

Monday, 28 December 2009

बिहार स्पेशल शब्दकोष

बिहार स्पेशल शब्दकोष

पेश है शब्दकोश के कुछ जाने-पहचाने शब्द:

कपड़ा फींच\खींच लो, बरतन मईंस लो, ललुआ, ख़चड़ा, खच्चड़, ऐहो, सूना न, ले लोट्टा, ढ़हलेल, सोटा, धुत्त मड़दे, ए गो, दू गो, तीन गो, भकलोल, बकलाहा, का रे, टीशन (स्टेशन),
चमेटा (थप्पड़), ससपेन (स्सपेंस), हम तो अकबका (चौंक) गए, जोन है सोन, जे हे से कि, कहाँ गए थे आज  शमावा (शाम) को?, गैया को हाँक दो, का भैया का हाल चाल बा, बत्तिया बुता (बुझा) दे, सक-पका गए, और एक ठो रोटी दो, कपाड़ (सिर), तेंदुलकरवा गर्दा मचा दिया, धुर् महराज, अरे बाप रे बाप, हौओ देखा (वो भी देखो), ऐने आवा हो (इधर आओ), टरका दो टालमटोल), का हो मरदे, लैकियन (लड़कियाँ), लंपट, लटकले तो गेले बेटा (ट्रक के पीछे), की होलो रे (क्या हुआ रे), चट्टी (चप्पल), काजक (कागज़), रेसका (रिक्सा), ए गजोधर, बुझला बबुआ (समझे बाबू), सुनत बाड़े रे (सुनते हो), फलनवाँ-चिलनवाँ, कीन दो (ख़रीद दो), कचकाड़ा (प्लास्टिक), चिमचिमी (पोलिथिन बैग), हरासंख, चटाई या पटिया, खटिया, बनरवा (बंदर), जा झाड़ के, पतरसुक्खा (दुबला-पतला आदमी), ढ़िबरी, चुनौटी, बेंग (मेंढ़क), नरेट्टी (गरदन) चीप दो, कनगोजर, गाछ (पेड़), गुमटी (पान का दुकान), अंगा या बूशर्ट (कमीज़), चमड़चिट्ट, लकड़सुंघा, गमछा, लुंगी, अरे तोरी के, अइजे (यहीं पर), हहड़ना (अनाथ), का कीजिएगा (क्या करेंगे), दुल्हिन (दुलहन), खिसियाना (गुस्सा करना), दू सौ हो गया, बोड़हनझट्टी, लफुआ (लोफर), फर्सटिया जाना, मोछ कबड़ा, थेथड़लौजी, नरभसिया गए हैं (नरवस), पैना (डंडा), इनारा (कुंआ), चरचकिया (फोर व्हीलर), हँसोथना (समेटना), खिसियाना (गुस्साना), मेहरारू (बीवी), मच्छरवा भमोर लेगा (मच्छर काट लेगा), टंडेली नहीं करो, ज्यादा बड़-बड़ करोगे तो मुँह पर बकोट (नोंच) लेंगे, आँख में अंगुली हूर देंगे, चकाचक, ससुर के नाती, लोटा के पनिया, पियासल (प्यासा), ठूँस अयले (खा लिए), कौंची (क्या) कर रहा है, जरलाहा, कचिया-हाँसू, कुच्छो नहीं (कुछ नहीं), अलबलैबे, ज्यादा लबड़-लबड़ मत कर, गोरकी (गोरी लड़की), पतरकी (दुबली लड़की),ऐथी, अमदूर (अमरूद), आमदी (आदमी), सिंघारा (समोसा), खबसुरत, बोकरादी, भोरे-अन्हारे, ओसारा बहार दो, ढ़ूकें, आप केने जा रहे हैं, कौलजवा नहीं जाईएगा, अनठेकानी, लंद-फंद दिस् दैट, देखिए ढ़ेर अंग्रेज़ी मत झाड़िए, लंद-फंद देवानंद, जो रे ससुर, काहे इतना खिसिया रहे हैं मरदे, ठेकुआ, निमकी, भुतला गए थे, छूछुन्दर, जुआईल, बलवा काहे नहीं कटवाते हैं, का हो जीला, ढ़िबड़ीया धुकधुका ता, थेथड़, मिज़ाज लहरा दिया, टंच माल, भईवा, पाईपवा, तनी-मनी दे दो, तरकारी, इ नारंगी में कितना बीया है, अभरी गेंद ऐने आया तो ओने बीग देंगे, बदमाशी करबे त नाली में गोत देबौ, बड़ी भारी है-दिमाग में कुछो नहीं ढ़ूक रहा है, बिस्कुटिया चाय में बोर-बोर के खाओ जी, छुच्छे काहे खा रहे हो, बहुत निम्मन बनाया है, उँघी लग रहा है, काम लटपटा गया है, बूट फुला दिए हैं, बहिर बकाल, भकचोंधर, नूनू, सत्तू घोर के पी लो, लौंडा, अलुआ, सुतले रह गए, माटर साहब, तखनिए से ई माथा खराब कैले है, एक्के फैट मारबौ कि खुने बोकर देबे, ले बिलैया – इ का हुआ, सड़िया दो, रोटी में घी चपोड़ ले, लूड़ (कला), मुड़ई (मूली), उठा के बजाड़ देंगे, गोइठा, डेकची, कुसियार (ईख), रमतोरई (भींडी), फटफटिया (राजदूत), भात (चावल), नूआ (साड़ी), देखलुक (देखा), दू थाप देंगे न तो मियाजे़ संट हो जाएगा, बिस्कुट मेहरा गया है, जादे अक्खटल न बतिया, एक बैक आ गया और हम धड़फड़ा गए, फैमली (पत्नी), बगलवाली (वो), हमरा हौं चाहीं, भितरगुन्ना, लतखोर, भुईयां में बैठ जाओ, मैया गे, काहे दाँत चियार रहे हो, गोर बहुत टटा रहा है, का हीत (हित), निंबुआ दू चार गो मिरची लटका ला चोटी में, भतार (पति शायद), फोडिंग द कापाड़ एंड भागिंग खेते-खेते, मुझौसा, गुलकोंच(ग्लूकोज़)।

कुछ शब्दों को आक्सफोर्ड डिक्शनरी ने भी चुरा लिया है। और कुछ बड़ी-बड़ी कंपनियाँ इन शब्दों
को  अपनें ब्रांड के रूप में भी यूज़ कर रही हैं। मसलन

- देखलुक – मतलब “देखना” – देख — लुक (Look)
- किनले – मतलब “ख़रीद” – KINLEY (Pepsi Mineral Water)
- पैलियो – मतलब “पाया” – Palio (Fiat’s Car)
- गुच्ची – मतलब “छेद” – Gucci (Fashion Products)

अब बिहार में आपका नाम कैसे बदल जाता है उसकी भी एक बानगी देखिए। यह
इस्टेब्लिस्ड कनवेंशन है कि आपके नाम के पीछे आ, या, वा लगाए बिना वो संपूर्ण नहीं है। मसलन….

- राजीव – रज्जीवा
- सुशांत – सुशांतवा
- आशीष – अशीषवा
- राजू – रजुआ
- रंजीत – रंजीतवा
- संजय – संजय्या
- अजय – अजय्या
- श्वेता – शवेताबा

कभी-कभी माँ-बाप बच्चे के नाम का सम्मान बचाने के लिए उसके पीछे जी लगा देते
है। लेकिन इसका कतई यह मतलब नहीं कि उनके नाम सुरक्षित रह जाते हैं।

- मनीष जी – मनिषजीवा
- श्याम जी – शामजीवा
- राकेश जी – राकेशाजीवा

अब अपने टाईटिल की दुर्गति देखिए।

- सिंह जी – सिंह जीवा
- झा जी – झौआ
- मिश्रा – मिसरवा
- राय जी – रायजीवा
- मंडल – मंडलबा
- तिवारी – तिवरिया

ऐसे यही भाषा हमारी पहचान भी है और आठ करोड़ प्रवासी-अप्रवासी बिहारियों की
जान भी।
Note: Above is reproduced from an email.
This can be also found on Ritesh's blog on wordpress

Sunday, 27 December 2009

Virender Sehwag - Cricketer of the decade

Virender Sehwag is rated as the cricketer of the decade by internationally acclaimed sports writers, such as Peter Roebuck and Derek Pringle. This is quite a remarkable achievement for a person who was dropped from Indian team at one point of time. You will not find any other instance in international cricket where a player becomes number one when he was not even a part of playing eleven.
He is known as an impact player and such is his impact that he is already being compared with Vivian Richards for the sheer audacity he seems to possess. Mind you, here he is not compared to The Don, or to Hutton but to the King for the capability of dominating bowlers. Even in the Indian team, there are more prolific run getters in form of Rahul Dravid and Sachin Tendulkar, but even these stalwarts do not possess triple hundreds.
And those who talk of consistency, take this example, all but one of his last 11 century innings, have a score of 150 plus. This statistic is mind boggling for a person attributed of not having good footwork and who relies on hand eye co-ordination.
One last thing, Pringle as indicated that his results are compiled on the basis of statistics only. Howzzzzzzzat???

Saturday, 26 December 2009

We live in an advanced country

Who says that we are a developing nation and we have still a long way to go in terms of infrastructure development, providing clean safe drinking water to rural masses.

Forget these things and read today's newspaper, you will find an old senior politician leaving behind younger people by miles. Certainly, he is as advanced in this area, as a westerner would be.

He is prime example of what is said that a man becomes old only when he thinks himself old.

Hats off to Mr. N D Tewari. As luck would have it, he could have become prime minister of India. He is our desi Bill Clinton.

Thursday, 24 December 2009

फ्लाईओवर - Interesting read

निम्नलिखित लेख उस छात्र की कॉपी से लिया गया है, जिसे निबंध लेखन प्रतियोगिता में पहला
पुरस्कार मिला है। निबध का विषय था - फ्लाईओवर।

फ्लाईओवर का जीवन में बहुत महत्व है, खास तौर पर इंजीनियरों और ठेकेदारों के जीवन में तो घणा
ही महत्व है। एक फ्लाईओवर से न जाने कितनी कोठियां निकल आती हैं। पश्चिम जगत के इंजीनियर
भले ही इसे न समझें कि भारत में यह कमाल होता है कि पुल से कोठियां निकल आती हैं और
फ्लाईओवर से फा??्महाउस।

खैर, फ्लाईओवर से हमें जीवन के कई पाठ मिलते हैं, जैसे बंदा कई बार घुमावदार फ्लाईओवर पर चले,
तो पता चलता है कि जहां से शुरुआत की थी, वहीं पर पहुंच गए हैं। उदाहरण के लिए ऑल इंडिया
इंस्टिट्यूट ऑफ मेडिकल साइंसेज के पास के फ्लाईओवर में बंदा कई बार जहां से शुरू करे, वहीं पहुंच
जाता है। वैसे, यह लाइफ का सत्य है, कई बार बरसों चलते -चलते यह पता चलता है कि कहीं पहुंचे
ही नहीं।

फ्लाईओवर जब नए-नए बनते हैं, तो एकाध महीने ट्रैफिक स्मूद रहता है, फिर वही हाल हो लेता है
। जैसे आश्रम में अब फ्लाईओवर पर जाम लगता है, यानी अब फ्लाईओवर पर फ्लाईओवर की जरूरत है।
फिर उस फ्लाईओवर के फ्लाईओवर के फ्लाईओवर पर भी फ्लाईओवर चाहिए होगा। हो सकता है कि
कुछ समय बाद फ्लाईओवर अथॉरिटी ऑ?? इंडिया ही बन जाए। इसमें कुछ और अफसरों की पोस्टिंग
का जुगाड़ हो जाएगा। तब हम कह सकेंगे कि फ्लाईओवरों का अफसरों के जीवन में भी घणा महत्व है।

दिल्ली में इन दिनों फ्लाईओवरों की धूम है। इधर से फ्लाईओवर, उधर से फ्लाईओवर। फ्लाईओवर बनने
के चक्कर में विकट जाम हो रहे हैं। दिल्ली गाजियाबाद अप्सरा बॉर्डर के जाम में फंसकर धैर्य और
संयम जैसे गुणों का विकास हो जाता है, ऑटोमैटिक। व्यग्र और उग्र लोगों का एक ट्रीटमेंट यह है
कि उन्हें अप्सरा बॉर्डर के जाम में छोड़ दिया जाए।

फ्लाईओवर बनने से पहले जाम फ्लाईओवर के नीचे लगते हैं, फिर फ्लाईओवर बनने के बाद जाम ऊपर
लगने शुरू हो जाते हैं। इससे हमें भौतिकी के उस नियम का पता चलता है कि कहीं कुछ नहीं बदलता,
फ्लाईओवर का उद्देश्य इतना भर रहता है कि वह जाम को नीचे से ऊपर की ओर ले आता है, ताकि
नीचे वाले जाम के लिए रास्ता प्रशस्त किया जा सके।

फ्लाईओवरों का भविष्य उज्जवल है। कुछ समय बाद यह सीन होगा कि जैसे डबल डेकर बस होती है,
वैसे डबल डेकर फ्लाईओवर भी होंगे। डबल ही क्यों, ट्रिपल, फाइव डेकर फ्लाईओवर भी हो सकते हैं।
दिल्ली वाले तब अपना एड्रेस यूं बताएंगे - आश्रम के पांचवें लेवल के फ्लाईओवर के ठीक सामने जो
फ्लैट पड़ता है, वो मेरा है। कभी जाम में फंस जाएं, तो कॉल कर देना, डोरी में टांग कर चाय
लटका दूंगा। संवाद कुछ इस तरह के होंगे - अबे कहां रहता है आजकल रोज अपने फ्लैट से पांचवें लेवल
का जाम देखता हूं, तेरी कार नहीं दिखती।

Note: Above matter is taken from an email.

Wednesday, 16 December 2009

India comes on top

India held her nerve register a win in a tense situation where they would have lost nine out of ten times. If I dare say, we have seen India losing from similar situations where Sri Lanka were in. But, this has been a refreshing change in the approach where they managed to stay in. Ironically, we will not often find figures of 88 and 81 of 10 overs treated with respect,but Zaheer Khan and Ashish Nehra have just managed that.
With 9 wickets in hand, Srilanka were the favourites with about 15 overs remaining and 100 runs required, but when it mattered, India held there nerve and came out as winners. Not too long ago, we have seen India losing from a confortable position where Tendulkar wrote an epic when he made 175. We have lost from a winning position, but today, we have managed to pull it off and as they say, it would be apt to say that we snatched victory from jaws of defeat.
I just hope that we continue to retain this spirit of never say die, because we do not lack in skill, but attitude.

Friday, 28 August 2009

Bahut dinon ke baad

Its been long since I have written something here.  Reason is not that I have lost interest, but it has to do more with the fact that I am moving back to India. My assignment is coming to an end and last few weeks have been very busy, completing assignments, making arrangements, throwing items which are of no use and lastly, worrying about the baggage allowance. 

It may take about an month when I return to blogging, since I will be visiting my home, which is in Patna, a town near Ganga Kinaare. And then the problem of getting a reliable internet connection. 

Thanks to all of you, who are reading my posts. Till next time, tada.

Monday, 17 August 2009


नेतरहाट के किसी भी छात्र से अगर आप "चहबच्चा" शब्द की चर्चा करें तो सम्भावना है की आप उस छात्र के चेहरे पे मुस्कान पायें। तो आयें हम यह जानने की कोशिश करें की ऐसा क्या है इस शब्द में जिसे सुन कर एक व्यक्ति बेसाख्ता ही मुस्कुरा पड़े।
चहबच्चा एक आयताकार गढ्ढा होता है जो चापानल के पास में हुआ करता है। यहाँ पे चापाकल के निकला हुआ इस्तेमाल के बाद का गन्दा पानी जमा होता है। एक साधारण सा गढ्ढा , जो गन्दा पानी जमा करने के काम आता है , में ऐसा क्या है जो एक पोस्ट का शीर्षक है ? धीरज रखें महानुभाव।

यह साधारण सा चहबच्चा होली के आस पास बहुत महत्त्वपूर्ण स्थल बन जाता है। होली के पहले विशेष ध्यान देकर इसकी सफाई की जाती है और खासकर ध्यान दिया जाता है की शीशा और धातु इत्यादि की वस्तुएं इसमें न रहे। इस सफाई के बाद इस चहबच्चे में छात्र एक दूसरे को डुबोते हैं। उस बालक को ज्यादा डुबाया जाता है जो ज्यादा मना करता है। और इस डुबाने की क्रिया एक विशेष अंदाज़ में की जाती है।

चार छात्र उस छात्र को जिसे डूबाना है, उसे पकड़ लेते हैं, दो हाथ और दो पैर, फिर एक झूले की तरह उसे तीन बार दायें से बाएँ और बाएँ से दायें ले जाकर छोड़ा जाता है और बेचारा बालक पानी में सरोबार हो जाता है। फिर अगले बालक को चहबच्चे में डालने के लिए एक और स्वयंसेवक मिल जाता है।

हाँ, डूबाना शब्द का उपयोग करने से एक बात याद आई। नेतरहाट के सन्दर्भ में डूबाना एक विशेष क्रिया है, जो आपको फिर कभी बताई जायेगी।

Saturday, 15 August 2009

पुष्प की अभिलाषा

चाह नहीं मैं सुरबाला के
गहनों में गूँथा जाऊँ

चाह नहीं, प्रेमी-माला में
बिंध प्यारी को ललचाऊँ

चाह नहीं, सम्राटों के शव
पर हे हरि, डाला जाऊँ

चाह नहीं, देवों के सिर पर
चढ़ूँ भाग्य पर इठलाऊँ

मुझे तोड़ लेना वनमाली
उस पथ पर देना तुम फेंक

मातृभूमि पर शीश चढ़ाने
जिस पर जावें वीर अनेक

- माखनलाल चतुर्वेदी
Read more on Independence Day.

जो भरा नही है भावों से

जो भरा नही है भावों से
जिसमें बहती रस धार नहीं
वो हृदय नहीं हाँ पत्थर है
जिसमें स्वदेश का प्यार नहीं।

Friday, 14 August 2009

Final Test

So, another thrilling Ashes series being played. This has all the ingredients of a pot boiler. Australia dominated first test but England somehow managed to cling on.

Next test, a memorable performance from Flintoff and some good batting in first innings saw England coming home strongly.
Rain played a big part in third test and when it seemed that England may close it down in fourth test itself, here comes a strong reply from Australia and all the weak links turning into strong pillars.
Going into the fifth test, momentum lies with Australia, but no one knows the future. Imagine this, if Mark Ramprakash manages to get a game and does something of importance, who knows, England might scrape through. Whatever the outcome, there are many players, who got some reason to cheer, but nothing extraordinary. Can I name some? Flintoff, Johnson, Siddle, Strauss, Anderson, Ponting, Onions, Collingwood...... I hope that Flintoff manages another test and who knows then? Atleast, the game of cricket will be a winner there!!! See you then...

Monday, 10 August 2009

Athletics competition at Netarhat

The athletics competition, held every year during the month of march, is one of the main events held at Netarhat school. This was held for three days and school remains closed during this period. During the build up of the competition, extensive preparations take place.
Lots of track and field events were held at winner of an event also contributed points to his team(set). This competition was a dual competition whereby first six positions obtained in an event also contributed to their set's cause.

The Oval

Pic. - Main playground (The Oval). School's main building is in the background.

Teachers don the role of referees and students, who were not participating (after all, every one cannot be an athlete and competition was tough to represent a set) served as volunteers in organising the events. The main playground (The Oval) has also got tents available where supporters and athletes used to stay during the competition.

The best day is the last day of the competition, where events like 100m, 200m, relays are held. This is the day when overall winner, best athlete are announced. Though it has been close to two decades, but memories of this event still brings smiles.

See you until next time. I am encouraged to write these posts on my school as my schoolmates are reading my posts. Hope they will enjoy this.

Wednesday, 5 August 2009

Greatest comeback in Test Cricket

This is perhaps the only series in the history of test cricket, when a team trailing by 0-2 went on to win the series by 3-2. Australians emerged as winners, and their captain, Don Bradman was under considerable pressure when Aussies were trailing by 0-2, owing to his batting and captaincy. But what a remarkable comeback it was, and the word "great" would have been the more appropriate word used instead of "remarkable", had the series had been played in recent years. But this series was played few decades ago and Bradman became the greatest gambler of all time, I dare say.

In the third test, the pitch was very treacherous which prompted english captain to declare even they were in deficit. Bradman did not have this choice of not batting, but he did have a choice about deciding the batting order, and he inverted the batting order. Australia were again 90 odd for 5 and then went on to score some 550 odd runs (Bradman - 270). Australia won the test match, and later on, the series and it will not be an overstatement to say that this was "the greatest comeback" in history of cricket.

Details of the match can be found on cricinfo.


Seven different streams Bhagirathi, Janhvi, Bhilangana, Mandakini, Rishiganga, Saraswati and Alaknanda merge into Ganga at Devprayag. The rock on which King Bhagirath is believed to have meditated, is called Bhagirath Shila and is located near the temple of Ganga. To this date the water of holy Ganga is believed to have Amrit (nectar) in it. It has been studied by Scientists that the water collected from Ganga at its origin is in a pure state and even after being kept for several years, does not get contaminated.. These medicinal properties of Gangajal are attributed to the medicinal secretions of herbs and mineral content which get mixed with the water.
The river ganges is worshipped as a mother in India.

Tuesday, 4 August 2009

Netarhat - Antyakshari Pratiyogita

Every year, in Netarhat school, hindi Antyakshari competition is organized and this competition show cases the best literary works of renowned hindi poets. All kind of poems of Shringar ras, Bhakti ras, Veer ras, etc. are recited during these competitions creating a lively atmosphere. This event becomes very enjoyable and we students, always looked up and eagerly waited for these events.
Some of the famous songs which I can remember are:

1. Madhushala - Shri Harivansh Rai Bachchan.
2. Rashmirathi - Dinkar.
3. Urvashi - Nirala.
4. Kabir ke dohe.

and many more. The list is long and I will be adding to the list slowly and surely. One thing I would like to say that the overall presentation has always been of top quality. Perhaps this event is one of the reason why a Hatian is well informed about Hindi Sahitya.

Monday, 3 August 2009

Day 4 - Edgbaston

Another good day for england. Though England cannot lose this test, but draw appears to be a more likely result. The way last two tests have been played, English side seems to have upper hand, thanks to their bowling. Mr Anderson is very good and Mr. Onions is surely causing some tears to Aussies. Ricky Ponting might be looking for some inspiration or might just entertaining the idea to bring back Mr. McGrath or Shane Warne. What's your opinion?

Saturday, 1 August 2009

Sholay - An epic

As Mahabharat is the grandest of the literary work available in India, same can be said of Sholay in reference to Hindi movies. This will not be an overstatement if I say that this movie is equivalent to the Mahabharat of hindi movies. All characters have their impact and no matter, how small a role one character has played, the significance is not lost. There are followers of this film from all walks of life and even after three decades of release, the fan following is still there. Dialogues such as "Kitne aadmi the?", still revive good memories.
The characters have become household names and their are interesting questions about this movie, which you can find creeping up in any conversation related to this movie. e.g. What was the name of Gabbar Singh's father. Though there was no presence of this character in the movie, but still he has got his own relevance to the fans of this movie. More later....

If you do not know the answer to the question posed above, ping me through comments.

Thursday, 30 July 2009

Mahabharat - Bhishma

Mahabharat is probably the best piece of fiction ever written, if it did not happen in reality. And if story of mahabharat is someone's imagination, then the writer must have got a divine gift. Here, we have an epic which is very interesting and yet it provides us so many teachings for life. In my opinion, all characters in Mahabharat are present to serve a purpose, whose presence seem to fit in effortlessly in whole scheme of things. In following paragraphs, a very important character, Devvrata Bhishma is explained.

Bhishma was son of Shantanu and the river goddess Ganga. Ganga had left Shantanu after giving birth to Bhishma, because Shantanu questioned her actions when she killed her new born sons. When Shantanu fell in love with Satyavati and wanted to marry her, but Satyawati set forth some condition which were unacceptable to him, knowing this, Bhishma given his word of honour to Satyavati to remained bachelor all through his life. This was the most Bhishma(maximum) of sacrifice, which prompted the world to call him as Bhishma.Thus taking this Bhishma Pratigya, Devvrata is known as Bhishma.

His truthfulness was such that whatever he spoke came true. He knew different types of martial arts. He forced Lord Krishna to take up the wheel of Arjun's chariot as a weapon, when he said that he will not take up any weapon during the battle of Mahabharat. Such was the skill of the great warrior, Bhishma. He was the most respected person in the kingdom of Hastinapur, and he was called Bhishma Pitamaha.

He served his step mother, then her son Vichitravirya, later his sons Pandu and Dhritarashtra as as he promised loyalty to the throne of Hastinapur. He was well aware of the weaknesses and flaws in the character of his grandsons, and could expect the tragedy that was sure to embrace the kingdom of Hastinapur. Bhishma was well aware of jealousy of Kauravas and especially Duryodhana towards Pandavas which he at times openly disapproved.

But even this righteous behavioru of Bhishma was taken some tilt towards Pandavas and dislike for Kauravas. But he kept quiet as a silent suffering head of the clan, lest his reproach could be seen as his disloyalty to Hastinapur. As a silent and helpless witness Bhishma suffered all the inhumanities which was done from throne of Hastinapur. He never entertained any thought to become king of Hastinapur, or to dislodge the weak and morally selfish successor to the throne. Only Vidura, the renowned scholar of his times, understood the plight of Bhishma.

Bhishma, Dronacharya, Vidura, Kripacharya, all righteous in their own way, were still at fault because, though helpless, they served and sided with the throne as they were tied to serve Hastinapur, but in the end, they found themselves on the wrong side of battleground. We may ask this question time and again, and may never get an answer as whether the loyality to throne is justified or helping the rightful? That makes Mahabharat even more fascinating read, where the most capable of warriors where pited against each other, are respected and relevant to today's times.


Back to my favourite pastime of incorrectly predicting outcome of a test match. Well, this time I am betting on a draw and Australia dominating most part of it. Michael Hussey will be scoring big runs and Ian Bell will come good for England. Flintoff will struggle here.
Too many predictions, I am hoping some of them coming true.

Wednesday, 29 July 2009

तेल पे बखान

हिन्दी भाषा में तेल शब्द के इस्तेमाल पे कुछ पंक्तियों विचारणीय हैं . इन पंक्तियों में आप पायेंगे की तेल शब्द का विविध रूपों में कैसे इस्तेमाल हुआ है।
तेल लगाने से काम नही निकलने वाला है। (चमचागिरी)
वोह तेल लेने गया है। ( दयनीय अवस्था में है )
तेल्हंदा में चले गए। ( समान अर्थ)
बालू से तेल निकलना । (काफ़ी मेहनत करना)
उसका तो तेल निकल गया। (कठिन कार्य में फँस जाना)
कान में तेल दाल के सो जाना।

Tuesday, 28 July 2009

Why the kanwarias offer ganges water in the Shravana month?

The custom of carrying holy water from Sultanganj on Kanwar and offering to it Shiva started in the Treta Yuga - the silver age of Hindu mythology. Lord Rama had carried the holy ganges water from Sultanganj in a kanwar and offered to Lord Shiva at Babadham.

The legend says that when the churning of oceans - Samudra Manthan - took place in the month of Shravan, fourteen different types of rubies came out. Thirteen of these were distributed amongst the deamons, except Halahal (poison). Lord Shiva drank the Halahal and stored it in his throat. Hence the name Neelkantha (meaning blue throat) is attributed to Shiva.

To reduce the strong effect of poison, Lord Shiva wore the crescent moon on his head. All the Gods, thereafter started offering the Ganges water to Lord Shiva to make lessen the effect of poison.

Since, this happened in the month of Shravan, since then the Shiva devotees offer the Ganges water in this month.

Sunday, 26 July 2009

शब्दों का बढ़िया इस्तेमाल - एक सवाल

यद्यपि निम्नांकित पंक्तियाँ हिन्दी फ़िल्म के एक गाने से ली गई हैं , लेकिन शब्दों का इतना असरदार उपयोग कम ही देखने को मिलता है।

घड़ी थी अँधेरा मगर सख्त था, कोई दस सवा दस का वक्त था।

अगर ऊपर की पंक्तियों को ध्यान से पढ़ा जाए तो यह कहने की कोशिश की जा रही है की अँधेरा इतना घना था की कुछ नही दिख रहा था , इस बात को गाने के माध्यम से बिल्कुल ही अनोखे अंदाज़ में व्यक्त किया गया है।
अगर आप इस पोस्ट को पढ़ रहे हैं तो इस सवाल का जवाब भी दे दीजिये , यह किस फ़िल्म के गाने की पंक्तियाँ हैं ?

Saturday, 25 July 2009

Vande he sundar mam sakha

This is the school song or Vidyalaya Gaan of my school, Netarhat. This has been written by our shriman jee, Mr. Saxena. This surely will evoke nostalgic moments to any NOBA who stops by this blog.

! वन्दे हे सुन्दर मम सखा नेतरहाट सदा,
वन्दे हे सुन्दर मम सखा नेतरहाट।

धन्य महाप्रांगण यह विंध्य प्रकृति क्रीड़ा का;
वन मे वनपशुओं का विचरण स्वच्छन्द यहाँ;
विहगों से कंठ मिला गाते नवगान सदा,
वन्दे! वन्दे हे सुन्दर मम सखा नेतरहाट सदा।

उषा के साथ जगें,प्रतिदिन मंगलमय हो;
कार्य पूर्ण प्रतिपल हो,ज्ञान वृद्धि जनहित हो;
अंतरतर का मधुमय गाये संगीत सदा,
वन्दे! वन्दे हे सुन्दर मम सखा नेतरहाट सदा।

तन मन जन प्राण मिला,नवयुग से नवगति ले,
संग पवन मेघ गगन,संग सूर्य चाँद संग;
तारे ग्रह चरण मिला,चलते नवचाल सदा,
वन्दे! वन्दे हे सुन्दर मम सखा नेतरहाट सदा।

साधक हैं समता के,सत्य न्याय करुणा के,
हिन्द प्रेम सम्बल है,विश्व प्रेम साध्य बना;
जन-जन मे ज्योति जगे,सत चित् आनन्द सदा,
वन्दे! वन्दे हे सुन्दर मम सखा नेतरहाट सदा।

पायें वरदान कि हों अंकुर तरु मे परिणत,
रस ले फल-फूलों से,स्वस्थ बने मानवता;
'शिव'हो कल्याण सखा,गूँजे जयकार सदा,
वन्दे! वन्दे हे सुन्दर मम सखा नेतरहाट सदा।
वन्दे हे सुन्दर मम सखा नेतरहाट।

Shrawan Mela

The month of Shrawan is the most important for the devotees of Lord Shiva. During this period, lakhs of devotees go to Baba Baidyanath temple. The devotees cover this journey on foot, and they are called Kanwariyas.

Kanwariyas start their journey from a place called Sultanganj, where the Ganges flows. It is from this place that the devotees collect water in their kanwars and carry the holy Ganges water, with the kanwars on their shoulders. They walk 109 km up to Baba Baidyanath temple at Babadham reciting Bol Bam on the way.

On reaching Babadham, the kanwarias first take a dip in the Shivaganga to purify themselves, and then enter the Baba Baidyanath temple, where the Ganges water is offered to the Jyotirlingam.This pilgrimage continues during the whole of Shravan for 30 days, during July-August. People from foreign lands also visit Babadham not only during Shrawan month but also during the rest of the year.

Some kanwarias cover this distance in one day running from Sultanganj to Deoghar, they are called "Dak Bams".
The sight on the way from Sultanganj to Babadham is of a 109 km long human chain of saffron clad pilgrims. It is estimated that within this period of one month around 50 to 55 lakhs pilgrims visit Babadham.

Friday, 24 July 2009

A trip to Madame Tussauds

Recently, I had a chance to visit Madame Tussauds wax museum and enjoyed a lot. This time new additions from India were Sachin Tendulkar, Shahrukh Khan and Salman Khan. The picture above of a lady in black dress is of Madame Tussauds. Though Madame Tussauds is known for life size replicas of noted figures, somehow replicas of Indian celebrities were a touch short in quality. Earlier, I have come across Amitabh Bachchan, Mahatma Gandhi and Aishwarya Rai, and they all look "not so real" to me. But anyway, there were a couple of americans hogging the limelight. Michael Jackson and Mr. Obama. They are also showing a figure of Madame Tussauds, which should have done earlier. I have got some photographs here. Enjoy.......

Netarhat - सर्वांगीण विकास

Netarhat School promoted every aspect of personality and equal importance was given to all aspects of a student's life, be it sports, be it fine arts, music, drama or athletics. We were not only taught the prescribed syllabus, but much more. Every festival was celebrated in grand style and school curriculum was full of different activities over a year. Students eagerly awaited for these such as

1. Antyakshari
2. Natak
3. Athletics
4. School day or Vidyalaya Diwas (15 Nov.)
5. Mid Term Break

A detailed description will be given on these events later.

Thursday, 23 July 2009

Baba Vaidyanath

According to the stories narrated in the Shiva Purana, it was in the Treta yuga that the demon Ravana, king of Lanka, felt that his capital would not be perfect and free from enemies unless Mahadeva stays there forever. He paid continuous meditation to Mahadeva. Ultimately Shiva got pleased and permitted him to carry his lingam with him to Lanka. Mahadeva advised him not to place or transfer this lingam to anyone. There should not be a break in his journey to Lanka. If he deposits the lingam anywhere on the earth, in the course of his journey, it would remain fixed at that place forever. Ravana was happy as he was taking his return journey to Lanka.
The other gods objected to this plan; if Shiva went to Lanka with Ravana, then Ravana would become invincible and his evil and anti-vedic deeds would threaten the world. Therefore the gods tricked Ravana. Ravana was offered water by Parvati, who then directed all the waters of three rivers (Ganges, Yamuna and Saraswati) into Ravana's stomach.
On his way back from Mount Kailash, Ravana felt an urgent need to urinate and as he could not do so with the holy linga in his hand, he started looking for someone who could hold it for him. Ganesha then appeared as a Brahmin in front of him. Ravana asked Ganesha to hold the linga and went to release himself, but he could not stop urinating because of the trick played on him. Ganesha, pretending to be vexed by Ravena's delay, set the linga down on earth. The moment linga was kept down, Ravana stopped urinating.
Ravana needed to wash his hands after urination to make himself pious. Finding no water source around he hit the ground with his fist and a big crater was made which got filled with water. When Ravana now tried to move the linga, he could not. Out of anger he press the linga down with his thumb. But after restoring himself, he started to offer his prayers for the linga.

Ashes - Crystall Ball

Time to gaze the crystal ball. After losing the second test by 100 runs, Australia would be looking to comeback. Anyone who thinks that they are not capable of coming back is sliding on thin ice. Australia are going to hit hard in next test in Edgbaston. But this is not what I am trying to look into. I am searching for the player who is going to make an impact in next test and I am betting on Mitchell Johnson. Don't laugh me off, I did predict closure of last test correctly. See you in Edgbaston. Let it be a close fought test and series....

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Netarhat - Ashram Vyavastha

in Netarhat School, pupil's residence are called Ashrams. There are twenty one ashrams in total and they are grouped in sets, every set containing three ashrams. Each ashram has a capactiy of around 20 - 30 students and students are responsible for upkeep of the ashrams. all activities, cleaning, serving, etc were performed by students only. Each day starts when a bell is rung in the morning, 4.40 in summer and a bit late in winters. Students get up and assemble on main playground for doing physical training.

More to come...


Please don't go by the title. Here I am going to pen some good sporting rivalries and these are comparable to a pot boiler. I am starting with tennis and although I have not witnessed probably the greatest of all - Borg V McEnroe, but I have been fortunate enough to watch Becker and Edberg. Becker won it first time in 1985 when no one expected him and again in 1986 when I guess, not too many again expected him, that too against Lendl. Come 88 and Edberg won a five setter. I was/am a fan of both and imagine my problem when two of my favourites are playing against each other and only one can win. I remember when Ivanisevic started his career around late 80, early 90 and Edberg lost a match in wimbledon without losing a game on his serve (7-6, 7-6, 7-6). Atleast Roddick can derive some consolation from the fact that he has lost one game, but that was the one which mattered most.
In Recent times, Federer V Nadal has been also made of exciting stuff, but Federer has got to do some catching up as far as their head to head record is concerned. Imagine 80, 81, 2009 finals are played side by side, which one would you watch?
For me, it will be 81. What's your take?

Tuesday, 21 July 2009

Finally, a predicition goes right

For a change, I rightly predicted, or guessed when the Lord's test will be completed and I accurately guessed before lunch time last day. Congratulations to England, they have been playing good cricket from last day in Cardiff. In my opinion, that last day must have given them lots of confidence.

Good luck for Edgbaston.

Monday, 20 July 2009

Another prediction goes wrong

But it's good for the game. That is what cricket is all about. And when history is at stake, how can someone expect a straightforward result. There are always factors associated in test cricket, and the foremost important factor is glorious uncertainties. Then the fact that Australia have not lost a test in Lords for seventy five years, then no one has chased this target in the history of the game.

And above all, English players would like to give Andrew Flintoff a memorable send off. Suddenly, the game has become very ineteresting and it has thrown the series wide open.

My take: England are still going to win this.


This will be a huge disapointment if do not mention about my school in my blog. Netarhat School, but we students know our school more as नेतरहाट विद्यालय or simply "hat". And the students, us can be referred as "hatians".
Netarhat is a place, about 3671 ft. above sea level, 153 Kms from capital of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India. Here started a school in 1954, which later became a household name in the state of Bihar. The school's admission process was a rigourous procedure of three tests, which lasts about eight months and every year 100 students were selected from all over bihar (now jharkhand).

Once selected, students join the school and were not allowed to leave the premises save for rainy season vacation and winter vacation. First lasted for 69 days and second for 34 days. Students reside in the school premises which were called ashrams.

To be continued......


Sunday, 19 July 2009

How Ganga came on earth?

This post should have been the first on this blog, but it’s never too late. The story of Ganga coming to earth is long but interesting, I will try to keep this as short as possible without losing the plot.

The person who is accredited for taking Ganga to earth from heaven is Bhagirath and Ganga is also known as Bhagirathi. Bhagirath wanted Ganga to come to earth to liberate his ancestors and he appeased Lord Brahma through sever penance. He was warned that Ganga flows with tremendous force and power and he will have to think of a way to avoid the impact on earth when she comes down to earth.

Bhagirath then began another severe penance, this time directed towards Lord Shiva, who appeared soon before him and agreed to soften Ganga's fall in his matted hair locks. Having tied up all loose ends, and acquiring the grace of both Brahma and Shiva, Bhagiratha now felt secure about accomplishing his objective. But there were still hiccups on his path, before all issues could be successfully resolved.

Ganga is visualized in Indian thought as a virtuous, but mischievous and restless maiden, just as many young lasses are. She followed Brahma's diktat to descend to earth, but couldn't playfully resist the unwarranted and undeserved feeling that she could sweep away even the mighty Shiva in her forceful current. Shiva, gauging her thoughts, decided to teach her a lesson. Spreading open his serpentine coils of hair, he covered the entire sky, and collected all the waves of Ganga in his outspread locks.

Then with a mighty swoop, he collected his hair, tied into a neat and tight bun, and captured Ganga in the infinite swirls and whirls of his hair. Ganga still flowed with tremendous force, but could not escape, and remained imprisoned and confined inside Shiva's hair.

Bhagirath, perplexed at the happenings, appealed to Shiva to release Ganga, so that she could wash away the sins of his ancestors, symbolized in their mortal remains. Shiva relented, and in any case Ganga had learnt her lesson. Thus Ganga again followed Bhagirath, who showed her the way. But there were still more adventures to come.

Just near their ultimate destination lay the hermitage of another accomplished sage, known as Jahnu. Ganga, ever the playful maiden, hurried over to what she perceived was a new and curious place. And lo, barely had she entered upon the precincts of the ashram (hermitage), that it became flooded, and all sacrificial fires were extinguished. The ritual utensils and tools were washed away, and the inhabitants of the sanctuary became frightened and anxious. The leader of the ashram, sage Jahnu, became livid at Ganga's intrusion. He then chanted a mantra, and took a sip of the water flowing all around his hermitage. With the power of his mantra, he swallowed away Ganga with all her waters. All traces of Ganga were gone. Bhagiratha was in a fix. No sooner had he overcome one hurdle, than another was created, mostly due to the impulsiveness and restlessness of Ganga. He hurried over to Jahnu, and explained to him the magnitude and significance of the task he was out to accomplish. Jahnu gave him a sympathetic hearing and appreciated his hard work in bringing Ganga to the earthly realm. Consoling Bhagiratha, he said: " For you, I will release Ganga immediately," and saying this, he made a cut in his left thigh, and the waters of Ganga flew out like a fountain. Hence did Ganga came to be known as Jahnvi, the daughter of sage Jahnu.

Hope ypu have enjoyed this. I will soon cover a city which is situated at Ganga Kinaare.

Third Day - Lord's

Interesting will be an understatement. England did what we hoped for and last two days were quite humbling for all mighty, all conquering Australians. As my feeling has been always, largely a team is as good as their bowling is, this time English bowlers demonstrating exactly the same and they are helped aptly by batsmen.

England are indeed in a very formidable position, and it will be good to see what kind of effort Australians are going to put in to save this test.

Another prediction from me, though I am really walking a tight rope. Fifth day, by lunch, this test should be over. I am not going to predict who will win, its pretty much decided,unless we have a miracle. of course, I have not covered the rain factor.

Saturday, 18 July 2009

As always, my prediction goes wrong. But I dare again...

I have been made to eat my words again. England has done very well in their bowling attempt. A colleague of mine, Brian has indicated yesterday that england never play second day well at Lord's and that is what which has exactly happened.
Good bowling by England lads, and probably this could be a fitting farewell to Andrew Flintoff and another down to earth experience for Mr. Integrity, if Ashes is regained by English side. But my concerns are elsewhere and cleary on India's chances on World cup 2011. Looks to me that this famed (sans RD,ST) batting line up was not a match for chin bowling. Let's see what happens, but it does seem to me that Mr. Dhoni's honeymoon is over. Not that I don't like him, but greater challenges lie ahead of him. After all, he is from the same town where I have done my studies.

Well, I am making another observation, ST will definitely a part of Indian team for next world cup. It will be another matter that they will not win it. I will be too happy if I am proved wrong. Chuckle...

Friday, 17 July 2009

Ashes - Test Two

Suddenly a shift from the theme. You probably will wonder why something about cricket is featured here. I am compelled to tell the reason behind it. I am a "Chora Ganga Kinaare Waala" who is currently not very far from Thames. There is lot of excitement about cricket is here, and every time England manages a good display on the field, it feels that they have won a series. As a colleague aptly pointed out, they talk about football wordl cup win, as if it has happened yesterday.

So what do I think after it is 364/6 first day. The answer is, they made 400+ in Cardiff and barely survived. I am not giving much chance to them unless the bowling department fires. In my opinion, best result for England is a draw.

Let the story unfold...

Lovely Chhath Song.

Ganga Aarti Song

Experience this timeless song on Ganga river from Youtube

Thursday, 16 July 2009

Funny take on recent supreme court decision on Gays

I came across this in an email. Interesting reading.

चाहे मानसून लेट आया है
पर एहसास नया ये लाया है,
कानून में सुधार आया है
देश में अब बदलाव आया है|

लड़के को लड़की न खोजनी
ना लड़की को लड़का,
कोई भी मिल जाये चलेगा
बस भिडे प्रेम का टांका |

शायद अब किसी घर में
मूंछों वाली भाभी आएँगी,
कन्यायें कन्या को भी अब
जीजू जीजू बुलाएंगी|

उन्मुक्त गगन के नीचे केवल
अब जोड़े ना रास रचाएंगे,
बदला बदला होगा मंजर
लड़के जब लड़का पटायेंगे|

पुलिस के पास भी अब शायद
छेड़छाड़ के केसेज बढ़ जायेंगे ,
महिला महिला को छेड़ेगी
पुरुष पुरुष से छेड़े जायेंगे |

हर सिक्के के पहलू दो होते
कुछ सुधार तो आयेंगे,
ये नए बदलाव देश को
जनसँख्या विस्फोट से बचायेंगे