Monitoring and Controlling, Scope Management
Monitoring the status of the project and product scope and managing changes to the scope baseline. This ensures that all the changes and corrective/ preventive actions are processed through the Perform Integrated Change Control process.
· Project Management Plan
- Scope Baseline
For comparing if a change, corrective or preventive action is required.
- Scope Management Plan
For controlling and managing scope.
- Change Management Plan – For managing change.
- Configuration Management Plan – defines the items which are configurable, those items which require formal change control and the process of controlling these items.
· Work Performance Information
Information on project’s progress, status of deliverables, if they are started, on progress or finished.
· Requirements Documentation
· Requirements Traceability Matrix
· OPAs
Tools and Techniques:
· Variance Analysis
Used to assess the magnitude of variation from original scope baseline. Important aspects of project scope control include determining the cause and variance relative to the scope baseline. Also, deciding whether the corrective or preventive action is required.
· Work Performance Measurements
Measurements of planned v actual technical performance. This information is documented and communicated to stakeholders.
· OPA Updates
Cause of variance
Corrective action taken and reasons
Lessons learned from project scope control.
· Change Requests
· Project Management Plan updates
Scope baseline updates
Other baseline updates
· Project Document updates
Requirements documentation
Requirements traceability matrix